Alpha Commodity Options

A retail service designed for traders who wants to trade in Commodity Options.

What: Recommendations in MCX Options in Gold, Silver and Crude Oil Commodities.

Whom:  Intraday /BTST Trader who trades on Options in MCX listed commodities.

Ideal for: Ideal for clients who want to trade in MCX Commodities options.

Product Description: Designed for active traders in MCX Commodities options

with 12-15 recommendations in a month.  

Risk Suitability: Moderately High


‍Daily: 0 - 1 Recommendations daily ^‍ Monthly Expect 12-15 Recommendations

Follow Up: Yes‍

Minimum Investment: 50000 INR


Calls will be given Via SMS/Applications  

Sample:  BUY CRUDEOIL MCX SEPT 5200 CE IN THE RANGE OF 100-100.10 SL 84 TARGET 120

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INR 3,000 Monthly

INR 15,000 Half Yearly

